Li Li
Dr. Li Li is a Computational Modeller with Geofirma Engineering, specializing in simulating geomechanical processes related to fluid transport in porous media, dissolution mining, and CO2 geological sequestration. Holding a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Li is an expert in coupled process simulations involving multiphase flow, mineral dissolution, and cavern shape control. Li’s doctoral research, which developed strategically coupled inertial flow and interface evolution models, marked a breakthrough in the field of dissolution mining by predicting cavern development in dissoluble rock media. Since joining Geofirma, Li has applied his robust simulation skills to various complex geological systems, with an emphasis on safety and environmental sustainability. With over 9 years of experience in advanced numerical modeling, Li has significantly contributed to projects focusing on CO2 injection strategies and the development of underground energy storage solutions. His expertise includes the rigorous application of Python and various simulation solvers, which he uses to develop and optimize simulation models for industry use, thereby enhancing project efficiency and accuracy.
Recently, Li has taken part in advancing natural gas storage projects. He has conducted detailed simulations examining peak delta pressures in natural gas reservoirs, assessing the implications of increased storage capacity on structural stability and safety. Additionally, Li has been involved in various CO2 storage projects, evaluating the potential for CO2 storage in different reservoirs, demonstrating the multiphase flow phenomenon during the injection process. Li remains actively engaged with the academic community, regularly contributing to peer-reviewed journals and presenting his findings at international conferences.

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