We solve our clients’ most complex engineering and science commissions by applying our experience, innovation, and dedication.
Hydrogeological Testing & Characterization
Fresnillo Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico Geofirma was retained by Mine Design Engineering (MDEng) to provide hydrogeological expertise in support of the geotechnical engineering design of a shaft at a large operating mine in central Mexico.
Postclosure Safety Assessment Modelling
Geofirma Engineering has been responsible for all the detailed flow and transport modelling required for the Postclosure Safety Assessment of the OPG Low & Intermediate Level Waste DGR proposed for the Bruce site.
Detailed Water Balance
Geofirma developed a detailed water balance to evaluate the impacts of potential future construction on a wetland in Southern Ontario.
Site Remediation: Coal Tar Contamination
Like many Ontario cities, Kingston was once fueled by coal gas. The manufacturing process resulted in deep bedrock contamination beneath parts of the downtown core. Geofirma was retained to complete all aspects of assessment and remediation in the DNAPL source zone for the City.
Site Characterization: Deep Geological Repository
The NWMO is proposing to construct an underground facility for the management of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste approximately 680 metres below the ground surface within the Paleozoic sedimentary bedrock of the Michigan basin (Cobourg formation) at the Bruce Nuclear site in Kincardine, Ontario.
Modelling Excavation Damage in an Underground Tunnel
A coupled two-phase flow and geomechanical model was used to predict the development of excavation damage around the HG-A tunnel and then model the damaged zone permeability.
Hydrogeological Investigation and Remediation: Fuel Contamination
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment contracted Geofirma to supervise site remediation activities and complete detailed hydrogeological investigation at a former fuel outlet in eastern Ontario. A groundwater plume from the site had impacted domestic wells and surface water.
Underground Gas Storage: Delta Pressure and Caprock Integrity Study
Geofirma was contracted to prepare engineering and modelling studies to assess the feasibility of increasing the pressure (delta pressuring) of several underground natural gas storage reservoirs.
Code Development: T2GGM – A Coupled Gas Generation Model for Deep Disposal of Radwaste
T2GGM consists of a gas generation model (GGM), which calculates rates of gas generation and water consumption within a deep geologic repository (DGR) due to corrosion and microbial degradation of the waste packages, integrated with the widely used two-phase flow code TOUGH2.
Baseline Environmental Reporting: Ottawa Light Rail Transit
The City of Ottawa retained Geofirma to conduct several Phase One and Phase Two Environmental Site Assessments along the Ottawa Light Rail Transit tunnel alignment. The investigations were conducted to satisfy environmental due diligence and establish baseline environmental conditions prior to leasing various properties for construction.
Baseline Groundwater Characterization: Bruce Nuclear Site
The baseline characterization program developed and carried out by Geofirma at the Bruce nuclear site is the gold standard of Baseline Groundwater Characterization programs and the results from this program are being used by NWMO as part of their application to begin construction of the Deep Geological Repository for low and intermediate level nuclear waste.
Modelling: Gas Transport in A Radwaste Repository
Part of the Eurotom Fate Of Repository GasEs (FORGE) project, the FORGE benchmark modelling examined the transport of gas in a hypothetical repository, with the objective of improving gas migration modelling to support performance assessments at the repository-scale . Nine different groups contributed to the benchmark modelling exercise with different codes and modelling approaches, including Geofirma representing NWMO.
Screening Level Risk Assessment: Fireworks in Lac Leamy
The National Capital Commission hired Geofirma to conduct a multi-year baseline study to assess the historical and current environmental impacts of regular fireworks at Casino du Lac-Leamy on the lake waters and sediments, and to conduct a sampling program to assess, monitor and protect the quality of the aquatic habitat of the lake.
Desktop Feasibility Studies in Support of NWMO APM Program
Since 2010 Geofirma has completed a variety of desktop feasibility studies of potential sites for hosting Canada’s Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) for used nuclear fuel, as part of NWMO’s APM program. Tasks included but were not limited to, detailed review of all existing geoscientific information, GIS mapping of any constraints, and structural lineament interpretation.
Hydromechanical Modelling of a Glaciation Scenario: Groundwater and Radionuclide Transport Studies
This modelling project represents one of the first efforts to understand the potential impacts of future glaciations deep geological repositories for radioactive waste. The effects of glaciation were addressed using a three-dimensional (3-D) numerical model of a hypothetical repository in the Canadian Shield, and coupling flow to mechanical loading from a continental glacier.
Assessment and Monitoring of Aquifer Remediation, San Diego
Geofirma’s role is to protect the City of San Diego’s interests by reviewing proposals for site cleanup by the responsible party, analyzing geochemical data, conducting simulations, and proposing approaches to improve the success of the aquifer remediation.
Modelling the SEALEX Experiment on the Long Term Performance of Bentonite Seals
Bentonite-sand sealing systems are an important component in many proposed deep geological repositories for radioactive waste. To improve our understanding of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of this material, Geofirma was retained by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to develop a model to simulate the SEALEX experiments on sand-bentonite.
Development of an Aquifer Capability Screening Tool
Geofirma worked with South Nation Conservation Authority to develop an Aquifer Capability Screening Tool (ACST) for the City of Clarence-Rockland. This tool will be used to pre-screen potential water quantity and quality concerns for privately-serviced lots.
Wellbore Leakage Technology Roadmap
Improving Abandonment ProcessesIn 2016, the Canadian Society for Gas Migration, with funding from Natural Resources Canada, initiated a Technology Roadmap to Address Wellbore Leakage. Geofirma developed the wellbore abandonment section, presenting a high-level overview of the methods and materials used to plug and abandon wells, a synopsis of current research, and the issues that impede the adoption of new technologies to improve abandoned wellbore integrity.
Phase Two ESA, Site Remediation and Record of Site Condition for Change of Land Use
Geofirma was retained by a private landowner to complete a Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment and obtain a Record of Site Condition under Part XV.1 of the Environment Protection Act. The work was required to support a change in land use from commercial to residential use. The property had been used as a commercial garage since the site was first developed around 1967.

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