Human Health & Ecological Risk Assessment
From simple screening level risk assessments to complex, detailed human health and ecological risk assessments — we have you covered.

Risk assessment (RA) is the determination of risk to human or ecological receptors from a set of environmental conditions, for example, a contaminated site. Typically, RA requires the characterization of contaminant sources, modelling exposure pathways, and assessing uptake by receptors. Site-specific clean-up targets can be developed and supported by RA, providing the formal framework for the cost-effective remediation of difficult-to-access contaminants.
Geofirma has long used risk assessment as a tool to support our client’s management of contaminated sites. Let our MOE-registered QPRAs help you find feasible and cost-effective clean-up or risk management strategies for your property. Our team of environmental engineers, geoscientists, and technologists has experience in performing Risk Assessments under both provincial regulations (O.Reg. 153/04) and federal standards.

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