record of site condition
At Geofirma, we can provide strategic advice in the application of brownfields regulations using our experience in completing records of site condition under O.Reg. 153/04.

Under Ontario Regulation 153/04, property owners who want to change the use of their property (particularly to a more sensitive use) may be required to obtain a record of site condition (RSC). An RSC document summarizes the environmental condition of a property, as certified by a “qualified person” as of a particular date. Concentrations of contaminants are assessed relative to generic standards developed for specific land use types and settings or relative to site-specific standards supported by risk assessment.
We perform environmental site assessment, risk assessment, and site remediation activities aimed at the successful filing for RSC. We also provide strategic advice to property owners to allow them to use the “brownfields regulations” to their full advantage. Our team of environmental engineers and geoscientists include several “Qualified Persons” who have countless hours of experience in completing records of site condition under O.Reg. 153/04.

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