software development
We develop custom software for hydrogeological, geomechanical and environmental engineering applications.

The senior Geofirma staff is highly adept in developing C++ applications to support our technical work. We have developed a suite of in-house tools; also available for third-party usage. These tools are based on an application library created by Geofirma, providing graphics, GUI, and data processing/manipulation capabilities. All our software development work is conducted under procedures compatible with our ISO9001:2015 compliant Quality Management System.
We are also skilled in FORTRAN development and have modified numerous FORTRAN codes to extend capabilities or to better interface with our toolsets.
Specific software packages developed by Geofirma:
mView to support numeric modelling and provide scientific visualizations
nSIGHTS for analysis of hydraulic tests
paCalc to support safety assessment modelling through Monte-Carlo (MC) and Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) of model parameters.
mView or nSIGHTs can be purchased by contacting John Avis. We also offer custom software development to meet clients specialized requirements.

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