Hydrogeological investigation and remediation
Client: Ontario Ministry of the Environment
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) retained Geofirma to supervise remediation activities and complete a hydrogeological investigation in a small village in eastern Ontario. A former fuel service station and general store were located at the Site and significant petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contamination was found in domestic water wells located adjacent to the former fuel station. The project included removal of the source zone a targeted excavation of residual contaminated soil from the Site to prevent further spread of the groundwater plume toward a nearby creek. The hydrogeological investigation included drilling several boreholes into the bedrock and the installation of multi-level monitoring wells to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of the plume. Based on the results of the investigation, Geofirma developed a conceptual site model for the MOE and provided an assessment of remedial options for dealing with PHC impacted groundwater.
For additional information contact Glen Briscoe, P.Eng.
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