Desktop feasibility studies in support of NWMO’s
APM Program
Client: Nuclear Waste Management Organization
Geofirma was selected as a preferred supplier to the Nuclear Waste Management Office (NWMO) as part of their Adaptive Phased Management (APM) program which represents Canada’s plan for the long-term management of used nuclear fuel. Since 2010 Geofirma has completed a variety of desktop studies including seven initial screenings and seven geoscientific feasibility studies of potential sites for hosting Canada’s Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) for Used Nuclear Fuel.
These studies include initial screening assessments for seven Northern Ontario communities (Wawa, Brockton, Elliot Lake, North Shore, Spanish, Blind River and Manitouwadge), and geoscientific feasibility studies for 2 Northern Ontario communities (Wawa and Hornepayne) and 5 Southern Ontario communities (Saugeen Shores, Arran-Elderslie, Brockton, South Bruce, Huron-Kinloss, and Central Huron). These studies included a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, a detailed review of all existing geoscientific information, GIS mapping of any constraints, and structural lineament interpretation.

For additional information contact Sean Sterling, M.Sc., P.Eng., P.Geo., Vice President

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