Phase Two ESA, Site Remediation and Record of Site Condition for Change of Land Use
Geofirma was retained by a private landowner to complete a Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment and obtain a Record of Site Condition under Part XV.1 of the Environment Protection Act. The work was required to support a change in land use from commercial to residential use. The property had been used as a commercial garage since the site was first developed around 1967. The commercial garage had been serviced by an onsite domestic well and septic system, however, any new residential development would be on City services. A few of the neighbouring properties remain on domestic wells, therefore the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Table 2: Full Depth Generic Site Condition Standards in a Potable Groundwater Condition were applicable to the site. Soil contamination including petroleum hydrocarbons and metals was delineated and removed from the site following demolition of the building and decommissioning of onsite services. Due to the requirement to apply potable water standards, there was an added challenge to address artifacts of elevated levels of metals in groundwater due to high suspended solids in recovered groundwater samples. Geofirma was successful in addressing all site contaminants to the satisfaction of the MOECC and obtaining a Record of Site Condition.
For additional information contact Glen Briscoe, P.Eng., PMP

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