At the remotely-convened Geoconvention in Calgary on September 21st, Richard Jackson presented “Investigating the Origin of Elevated H2S in Groundwater Discharge from Abandoned Gas Wells, Norfolk County, Ontario”. This article describes two years of study by Jackson,...


Richard Jackson’s article Geoscience Education For Geotechnical Engineers has just been published in Canadian Geotechnique. In it, he makes a strong case that the geoscientific component of engineering programs in Canada is lacking, especially for future geotechnical...

EPEX 2019

The Ontario Oil, Gas, and Salt Resources Library has posted Robert Walsh’s presentation from last year’s Energy Prospectors Expo (EPEX 2019) on their YouTube channel. The talk, entitled Embracing Uncertainty in Numerical Models can be viewed here. The presentation...

NovCare Conference 2019

Christopher Morgan presented part of his masters thesis work at the NovCare 2019 conference in Waterloo on May 20th, 2019. Chris’ talk was titled: Use of digital outcrop photogrammetry to inform fracture network characteristics for DFN modelling. NovCare is an...

GAC-MAC-IAH Quebec 2019

Richard Jackson gave 3 talks at the GAC-MAC-IAH meeting in Quebec City: 1. Luncheon address to the Canadian National Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. 2. On behalf of the University of Waterloo working group on Norfolk County, Session paper...

Geofirma wins 5 year contract by the NWMO

Geofirma Engineering was recently awarded a 5-year contract by the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) to assist the NWMO in evaluating the performance of proposed Deep Geologic Repositories (DGRs) for the safe long term disposal of used nuclear fuel. The...