Geofirma has always had a research bent. We work closely with a number of Canadian and International universities and research institutes.
At the remotely-convened Geoconvention in Calgary on September 21st, Richard Jackson presented “Investigating the Origin of Elevated H2S in Groundwater Discharge from Abandoned Gas Wells, Norfolk County, Ontario”.
It is Richard Jackson’s opinion that there should be more geoscience in geotechnical engineering programs. In this article, he briefly describes how geoscience has been, and will continue
to be, important to Canadian geotechnique, and suggests what an introductory geoscience course in geotechnical engineering should include.
EPEX 2019
Watch Robert Walsh’s presentation entitles Embracing Uncertainty in Numerical Models from last year’s Energy Prospectors Expo (EPEX 2019). The presentation describes approaches that we have been developing to address the perennial challenge in models of earth systems.
NovCare Conference 2019
Christopher Morgan presented part of his masters thesis work at the NovCare conference in Waterloo on May 20th, 2019. Chris’ talk was titled: Use of digital outcrop photogrammetry to inform fracture network characteristics for DFN modelling.
GAC-MAC-IAH Quebec 2019
Richard Jackson gave 3 talks at the GAC-MAC-IAH meeting in Quebec City. Learn more about the event.
Geofirma wins 5 year contract by the NWMO
Geofirma Engineering was recently awarded a 5-year contract by the Nuclear Waste Management Organization to assist them in evaluating the performance of proposed Deep Geologic Repositories for the safe long term disposal of used nuclear fuel.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences paper
Review the paper co-authored by Ken Raven on the Origin and Rb-Sr age dating of porewaters in low-permeability Ordovician sedimentary rocks.
“Earth Science for Civil and Environmental Engineers”
Richard Jackson has new textbook published by Cambridge University Press: “Earth Science for Civil and Environmental Engineers”.
Richard Jackson opinion piece in GeoStrata
Read Dick Jackson’s published opinion piece in GeoStrata on Civil Engineering Educators Must Teach Applied Geology to Their Students.
San Francisco TOUGH2 Symposium
Nicola Calder presents poster Concurrent Simulation Of Linked Models At Multiple Scales Of Repository Gas Generation And Transport and oral presentation A Numerical Study of Barometric Loading in Groundwater Monitoring Wells using TOUGH2 at TOUGH2.
World Gas Conference 2018
Robert Walsh will be attending the 27th World Gas Conference in Washington DC with his co-presented Steve Pardy from Union Gas.
Richard Jackson appointed Chair at UofO
Dick Jackson was appointed to become Chair of the Board of Directors of the A.E. Lalonde Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the University of Ottawa

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